For the first time, Campus Equestrian will attempt to provide live updates
and scores from any kind of IHSA Show. We will attempt to track the goings-on
at both Zone 6 and Zone 9 Zones on Sunday, April 17th.
Zone 6 Western Zones will start in the neighborhood of 8:00AM Eastern Time
at the University of Findlay's South Campus. After all the Stock Seat
divisions are complete, the show will move over to Findlays' East Campus,
where the hunter seat divisions will take place.
The top two riders in each individual class will go on to Nationals, while
the top two teams in the Western and English Team Competitions will also
extend their seasons.
With the help of Emily Kidd at the South Campus and Rachael Rufe at the
East Campus, both of whom ride for Findlay, we should have the results shortly
after each division is placed. Keep your eyes on the question marks below, as
we hope all of them will turn into placings by dinner time!
Zone 6 Zones Class-by-Class results, with the top two in each
individual class advancing to IHSA Nationals in Sunbury, Ohio
May 5th through 8th:
Individual alumni western horsemanship: 1. Holly Saigo, Ohio State
University. 2. Amy Diehl, University of Cincinnati.
Individual alumni reining: 1. Holly Saigo, Ohio State
University. 2. Amy Diehl, University of Cincinnati.
Individual beginner western horsemanship: 1. Jamie Berming, Ohio State
University. 2. Eric Mills, Salem International University. 3. Beth Lorenz,
University Findlay. 4. Echo Thompson, Ohio Univeristy - Southern Campus.
5. Fayth Weed, University of Findlay. 6. Tasha Edwards, Midway College.
Team beginner western horsemanship: 1. Corey Stulpin, University of
Findlay. 2. Amber Duncel, Morehead State University. 3. Heather Roberts,
Ohio State University.
Individual intermediate western horsemanship: 1. William Brown,
University of Findlay 2. Jenna Lanzer, Wilmington College. 3. Mark Kucko,
University of Findlay. 4. Sarah Hinkel, Salem International University.
5. Megan Carter, University of Kentucky. 6. Wendy Bak, Ohio State
Team intermediate western horsemanship: 1. Lisa Martin, Ohio State
University. 2. Melissa Baad, University of Findlay. 3. Jessica Gabbard,
Morehead State University.
Individual novice western horsemanship: 1. Travis Womer, University of
Findlay. 2. Adam Smith, University of Findlay. 3. Amanda Hedge, Midway
College. 4. Tierney Everhart, Ohio University. 5. Marcy Boyd, Miami
University of Ohio.
Team novice western horsemanship: 1. Tina Berry, University of Findley.
2. Rachel Roesser, Ohio State University. 3. Katie Finkes, Morehead State
Individual advanced western horsemanship: 1. Liz Gombash, Ohio State
University. 2. Katie Ballard, Grand Valley State University. 3. Rachael
Rufe, University of Findlay. 4. Jennifer Herron, Salem International
University. 5. Beth Bradley, Midway College. 6. Jessica Shively, Midway
Team advanced western horsemanship: 1. Lisa Cooley, Ohio State
University. 2. Katie Pohlachek, University of Findlay. 3. Jessica Graham,
Morehead State University.
Individual open western horsemanship: 1. Rebecca Johnson, Ohio State
University. 2. Jake Bowman, University of Findlay. 3. Chelsea Willen,
Miami University of Ohio. 4. Ashley Kramer, Ohio State University.
5. Kylie Dare, Ohio Wesleyan University.
Team open western horsemanship: 1. Jake Bowman, University of Findlay.
2. Ashley Kramer, Ohio State University. 3. Ginny Richardson, Morehead
State University.
Individual open reining: 1. Jake Bowman, University of Findlay.
2. Ashley Kovar, Ohio State University. 3. Ashley Kramer, Ohio State
University. 4. Kylie Dare, Ohio Wesleyan University. 5. Shannon Borke,
Wilmington College. 6. Ginny Richardson, Morehead State University.
Team open reining: 1. Jake Bowman, University of Findlay. 2. Ashley
Kovar, Ohio State University. 3. Ginny Richardson, Morehead State
Individual open equitation over fences: 1. Diana Glenney, University of
Kentucky. 2. Jennifer Hutson, Miami University of Ohio. 3. Mandy
Patterson, Otterbein College. 4. Theresa Howell, College of Wooster.
5. Katie Johnston, University of Findlay.
Team open equitation over fences: 1. Laurie Muellner, Ohio State
University. 2. Katie Johnston, University of Findlay 3. Jennifer Hutson,
Miami University of Ohio.
Individual intermediate equitation over fences: 1. Rebecca Rudolph,
Oberlin College. 2. Sarah Zichi, Miami University of Ohio. 3. Rebecca
Robinson, Otterbein College. 4. Katie Jablonski, Miami University of Ohio.
5. Christina Pelachyk, Michigan State University.
Team intermediate equitation over fences: 1. Laura Baldine, University
of Findlay. 2. Cynthia Luffred, Ohio State University. 3. Matt Arrigon,
Miami University of Ohio.
Individual novice equitation over fences: 1. Lindsay Barton, Miami
University of Ohio. 2. Laura Warner, Michigan State University.
3. Karen Siklosi, Denison University. 4. Rachel Bullock, University of
Michigan. 5. Jill Marinis, Ohio University. 6. Janine Campanile, Midway
Team novice equitation over fences: 1. Katie Kurtz, Miami University of
Ohio. 2. Liz Dubrowski, University of Findlay. 3. Paige Blunt, Ohio State
Individual alumni equitation over fences: 1. Lani Blackford, Ohio
Individual alumni equitation on the flat: 1. Lani Blackford, Ohio
Individual open equitation on the flat: 1. Katie Johnston, University
of Findlay. 2. Ashley Delzer, Michigan State University. 3. Katie Mason,
University of Kentucky. 4. Laurie Muellner, Ohio State University.
5. Jennifer Hutson, Miami University of Ohio. 6. Theresa Howell, College
of Wooster.
Individual intermediate equitation on the flat: 1. Sasha Hill,
Otterbein College. 2. Katie Jablonski, Miami University of Ohio.
3. Katherine McMahon, Lake Erie College. 4. Brittany Moon, University of
Findlay. 5. Dana Kristen, Lake Erie College. 6. Sarah Ludgin, Miami
University of Ohio.
Individual novice equitation on the flat: 1. Lindsay Barton, Miami
University of Ohio. 2. Laura Warner, Michigan State University.
3. Cynthia Luffred, Ohio State University. 4. Kate Parsons, Michigan
State University. 5. Erin Burlingham, Grand Valley State University.
6. Amanda Dziedziak, Ohio University.
Team novice equitation on the flat: 1. Diane Silcox, Miami University
of Ohio. 2. Page Blunt, Ohio State University. 3. Natassia Hovey,
University of Findlay.
Individual walk-trot-canter equitation: 1. Ashley Gallo, University
of Findlay. 2. Amy Shepard, Midway College. 3. Hannah Griebling, Ohio
University. 4. Paige Blunt, Ohio State University. 5. Erica Evans,
University of Michigan. 6. Lauren Hatfield, Morehead State University.
Team walk-trot-canter equitation: 1. Stefanie Fink, Miami University
of Ohio. 2. Amy Buchert, University of Findlay. 3. Lisa Martin, Ohio
State University.
Individual walk-trot equitation: 1. Katie Humphreys, University of
Findlay. 2. Ashley Boiano, Ohio University. 3. Heather Roberts, Ohio
State University. 4. Nicole Cornwell, Otterbein College. 5. Jessica
Schellenberger, University of Kentucky. 6. Kevin Skinner, University of
Team walk-trot equitation: 1. Patty Brodbeck, Miami University of
Ohio. 2. Megan Ruck, Ohio State University. 3. Fayth Weed, University
of Findlay.
Team intermediate equitation on the flat: 1. Lindsay Barton, Miami
University of Ohio. 2. Leigh Murray, University of Findlay. 3. Cynthia
Luffred, Ohio State University.
Team open equitation on the flat: 1. Katie Johnston, University of
Findlay. 2. Laurie Muellner, Ohio State University. 3. Jennifer Hutson,
Miami University of Ohio.
Final Stock Seat Team Totals: University of Findlay 38, Ohio State
University 33 and Morehead State University 25.
Final Hunter Seat Team Totals: Miami University of Ohio 47, University
of Findlay 42 and Ohio State University 39.