A freshman from Cincinnati, Ohio, Kayla Akers of Virginia Intermont College (center, between her Mother and "Wyatt") won her walk-trot-canter class for "Team Black" which was one of two VI teams competing at the Winter Tournament of Champions in Fredericksburg, Virginia on January 28th. One year earlier Akers placed second in the High School Medal Division at the same invitational event.


Fredericksburg, VA - Most IHSA teams that competed in the 2012 Winter Tournament of Champions event at Hazelwild Farm got there by way of the automobile. A small number of teams (such as Dartmouth College) flew most of the way before renting vehicles at the airport to get to Fredericksburg, Virginia for the third leg of the Tournament of Championship series.

And then there was Mount Holyoke College. The Lyons met up at 4:15AM on a Friday morning to drive to the Springfield, Massachusetts train station for a 6AM Amtrack train to Washington, DC. At 1:00PM the train had made it through the rain to Union Station in DC where the Lyons rented two vans and then went sightseeing. After getting lost trying to leave Washington during rush hour (resulting in leaving the city but then having to re-enter it to go out the other side) the Lyons enjoyed dinner at Cracker Barrel, a night at the Comfort Inn and two days later more sightseeing and a return train to Springfield.

And on the Saturday in between the Mount Holyoke College Lyons earned 42 of a possible 56 points to win the 2012 Winter Tournament of Champions event on January 28th. Felicia Harrsch (sophomore, from Landsdale, Pennsylvania) opened the event with a win in intermediate flat while Lexie Lohrer (sophomore, from Carlisle, Massachusetts) won the open over fences class which followed. The Lyons led the competition from start to finish, ending up with four blue ribbons, two red ones and a yellow. In addition both Margaret Swanson and Flynn Vickowski made the top ten in the Collegiate Medal Class which substitutes for a ride-off at all recent Tournament of Champions series events.

If you had one team in the competition then you would have one ride in each of the eight divisions. The identical Cram twins, Sami (on left) and Kali (on right) accounted for half the St. Andrews University rides. Coach Ashley Duda (center) saw Sami earn the best ribbon for a Cram with a first in novice over fences. The Cram sisters accounted for 14 of their 22 points as the Knights were sixth overall.

Hannah Thornton (freshman, from Seattle, Washington) won her open flat while So Jin Lee (junior, from Seoul, South Korea) won her walk-trot class to account for the remaining MHC blue ribbons. Freshman Samantha Stone and sophomore Nell Maynard accounted for red ribbons in consecutive classes, as Stone was second in walk-trot-canter immediately before Maynard placed second in intermediate fences. In his official press release Tournament series founder Jim Arrigon stated that Mount Holyoke's 42 points is the second-highest total ever earned at a Tournament event (a split Centenary College squad - going by the name of 'Team Jacob' at the height of Twilight-mania - scored 43 points in their own facility at the December 2009 Holiday Tournament of Champions for the current record - Editor).

Virginia Intermont College brought six horses all the way from their Bristol, Virginia campus (though they didn't leave the state this is a manmouth drive of over 350 miles; Schools such as Penn State, Rutgers, Lafayette and Delaware Valley crossed multiple state lines while covering less distance). By bringing horses VI was allowed to bring two teams of up to eight riders each. Virginia Intermont College's 'Black' Team went on to score 33 points for Reserve High Point Team honors while their 'Gold' team just missed with 32 (Black and Gold are their school colors - editor). Kayla Akers, a freshman from Cincinnati, Ohio edged out Stone for first in walk-trot-canter for the Black team's only blue ribbon. However three members of the Black team (Blake Roberts in intermediate flat, Zoe Sarvis in novice flat and Lauren Wills in novice over fences) were second place winners. As there were two sections of each division a quirk in the schedule meant that the Black team was done for the day at a point when the Gold team still had three classes yet to come. Though they only had 18 points at that moment the Gold riders did their best, with Rory Mueller (junior, from Vero Beach, Florida) and Ashleigh Ramey winning blue ribbons in novice fences and novice flat, respectively. Ramey, a sophomore from nearby Culpepper, Virginia made it two tournament wins in less than a month. Ramey won her novice flat at the Holiday Tournament of Champions in Long Valley, New Jersey on December 3rd. Ramey earned a fifth in intermediate fences earlier in the day on January 28th. While Megan Kelty was second in walk-trot-canter the most ironic red ribbon of the day for VI came when the Gold team earned their first five points. Ariel Black, a freshman from Salt Lake City, Utah was not a member of the Black team but rather the Gold team when she finished second in intermediate flat (perhaps VI can persuade a rider with the last name 'Gold' to join the team and balance things out - Editor).

On January 30th, 2010 Delaware Valley College was high point team at the Winter Tournament of Champions event. This show was also held at Hazelwild Farm but under much more difficult weather conditions (a foot of snow fell outside during the show, a far cry from today's event under sunny skies and a high temperature of perhaps 56 degrees). Between the two shows at Hazelwild Del Val managed to win the 2010 Holiday Tournament of Champions in Laurinburg, North Carolina while placing second to Virginia Intermont at the 2011 Winter event and fourth behind two Centenary teams and a Mount Holyoke team at the 2011 Holiday Tournament. Delaware Valley (located in Doylestown, Pennsylvania, where the local rail system known as SEPTA has a stop right on campus near their riding center) scored 27 points on January 28th and won a tiebreaker for fourth place. Kelsey Ficara, a sophomore from Southampton, New York who was second in intermediate fences at the Holiday Tournament, moved up a ribbon with a win in intermediate flat at Hazelwild Farm. Ciara Menkens, a junior from Brick Township, New Jersey won her open flat class toward the end of the day. Since scoring 18 points at the December 2009 Holiday Tournament the Aggies have scored in the upper 20's if not the 30's in every Tournament event they have appeared in.

Virginia Tech was the only team in the top eight without a blue ribbon. However the Hokies went wild with red ribbons, with their final three riders each earning one. Coach Sherri West (on left) poses with Hokie junior Jennifer Osterman after the latter was second in open flat. Virginia Tech was awarded fifth place for the day.

Because Delaware Valley earned two blue ribbons while Virginia Tech didn't earn any the Aggies won the tiebreaker over a Hokie team which still impressed with 27 points. Virginia Tech did what Mount Holyoke could not do - score at least one point in each of their eight classes. The Hokies were sitting at 12 points through five rides before going red-ribbon-crazy. Jennifer Osterman, a junior from Potomic, Maryland who had placed sixth in open fences earlier, was second to Thornton in open flat. Travis Roth, a sophomore from Severna Park, Maryland was second to Lee in walk-trot while Cassella Slater closed out the Hokie scoring by finishing second to Mueller in novice over fences. Two years earlier Virginia Tech finished second to Delaware Valley by a 31-30 score on that snowy day. The Hokies were still the 2009-10 Tournament Series champions at that time.

St. Andrews University won a narrow race for sixth with 22 points. The identical twin sisters Sami and Kali Cram earned 14 of the Knights' points. Sami won her novice fences while placing fifth in intermediate flat while Kali was second in intermediate fences. Shiloh Kozlowski, a sophomore walk-trot rider from Trenton, Michigan who had placed fourth in the division at the Holiday Tournament, was a winner in the division this time.

Cornell University competed at all three 2011-12 Tournament Series events, gaining four points with each appearance. The Big Red scored 13 points at the Pre-Season Tournament of Champions in Westerville, Ohio, 17 points at the Holiday Tourney and 21 points at Hazelwild. Bronwyn Scrivens, a senior from Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada was first in open fences for Cornell's only blue ribbon. Katie Fink, a senior from Baltimore, Maryland nearly gave Cornell another open-level first. Fink was second to Menkens in open flat (We are not sure if it helped but many riders in the flat classes did not truly stay on the outside rail, electing to go on the inside of jumps that were left up within the ring throughout the day. Fink was the only rider to stay on the outside rail and outside the jumps which may have helped her come very close to a first in her flat class - Editor). Team ribbons were awarded to eighth place, so for the first time this season Cornell placed high enough (seventh) to receive team ribbons in a Tournament Series event. Only days earlier Head Coach Chris Mitchell was announced as the new Director of Riding at Randolph College, effective starting in the Fall of 2012. During Mitchell's 12 seasons with Cornell the Big Red have won four Ivy League Invitationals, a 2011 Zone 2, Region 1 Region Championship, were Reserve Champions at the 2006 Holiday Tournament of Champions in Cazenovia, New York (one point behind eventual National Champion Virginia Intermont) and for ten consecutive seasons were second in the Zone 2, Region 3 hunter seat team standings to a seemingly invincable Skidmore College team. Before he heads south Mitchell will likely lead Cornell to a second consecutive Region Championship and thus a trip to 2012 Zone 2 Zones at Skidmore's familiar Van Lennep Riding Center.

Coach Matt Arrigon (on left) and open rider Kelly Gerland (on right) pose with Taylor Dalton after she placed first in walk-trot-canter for Lynchburg College's Pulled Pork team. Pulled Pork and the other Lynchburg team entered, Beef Brisket, were named after two delicacies served at Gerland's favorite restaurant in the Lynchburg area, Ranch Road BBQ. Pulled Pork outscored Beef Brisket 20-2, with the former earning eighth place at the Winter tournament.

Rounding out the top eight was one of two Lynchburg College teams with 20 points. The Hornets brought six horses, which meant they could bring two teams. There is a barbeque restaurant in Lynchburg, Virginia by the name of Ranch Road BBQ (located on Lakeside Drive in Lynchburg; not on a street called 'Ranch Road' for the record). Ranch Road is a favorite spot for Lynchburg senior Kelly Gerland (the message board outside Ranch Road said 'Happy Birthday Kelly' when it was her birthday not long ago). Therefore one Lynchburg team was named 'Beef Brisket' and the other 'Pulled Pork' in honor of two of their specialties. Gerland, a senior from Malvern, Pennsylvania, finished second to Scrivens to put Pulled Pork on the board. Taylor Dalton (sophomore, from Powatan, Virginia) won her walk-trot-canter while Kelli Greenslade (junior, Boone, Maryland) earned eight of Pulled Pork's 20 points with a second in novice flat and a fourth in novice fences over the final two rides.

Three riders from the other nine schools present were able to win team classes. Joey Fink, the younger brother of Cornell's Katie Fink, won seven of Goucher College's 17 points with a first in novice flat. Had team ribbons been awarded below eighth place Goucher would have been next in line at ninth. Sarah Truchon (junior, from Amherst, New Hampshire) earned seven of the University of New Hampshire's ten points with a first in intermediate fences. Alanna Reiner earned two-thirds of Lafayette College's 15 points. The sophomore from Morristown, New Jersey won her intermediate fences but made more of an appearance placing fourth in the intermediate flat class which started the day. Just as Judge Woody Dykers asked everyone to 'walk' for the last time prior to lining up Reiner's draw decided to buck her off! The stewards met with the judge and it looked for a moment like Reiner would receive a re-ride. Instead the placings were announced moments later, with Reiner placing fourth. Dykers had apparently already placed the class at the moment Reiner was thrown and the dismount was thus disregarded when placing the section.

At each Tournament event since 2007 there has been a Tournament of Champions Collegiate Medal Division held in place of a ride-off for high point. The Collegiate Medal is run in two phases, with anyone who enters getting to compete in one of several flat heats while often 12 riders are called back to take part in a fences phase. At today's show four of the 12 who were invited back to jump were then invited to test. The test "included a hand gallop jump followed by a trot jump, two simple lead changes down the centerline and a sitting trot to the gate" according to Arrigon's press release. VI's Roberts (Sophomore, Knoxville, Tennessee) went first and completed the test. Menkens, who won the event a year earlier when the Winter Tournament was held at the Chatham Hall school, went second and finished the test cleanly and in what turned out to be the fastest amount of time. Katie Fink went third and had a refusal attempting to hand gallop to the first fence. Brendan Weiss, a Penn State University sophomore from Southampton, Pennsylvania was fourth to test and he too had a refusal at the first fence. When the division was placed the only questions about the top four were did Weiss or Fink place third and did Menkens or Roberts win? Fink turned out to be fourth while Weiss was third (he had apparently entered the test with the highest combined score in the two earlier phases), Roberts second and Menkens the champion for the second January in a row. Also in the top ten were Danielle Clark of Virginia Intermont (fifth; Clark was Champion in the division at the Pre-Season Tournament), Katie Hansen of St. Andrews (sixth), Gerland (seventh), Vickowski (eighth), Swanson (ninth) and Danielle Miranda of Lafayette (tenth).

One wonders what Delaware Valley College might have done had they competed in the Pre-Season Tournament event. As a team the Aggies placed fourth at both today's event and the Holiday Tournament while placing first at the 2010 Holiday event and second at the 2011 Winter tourney. Coincidentally the Aggie's fine open rider Ciara Menkens (pictured) has placed no lower than fourth in any of the last four Tournament of Champions Medal Classes she has participated in. On January 28th Menkens won the division, marking the second time in as many Winter Tournament events that she has done so.

While the Collegiate Medal division dates back nearly five years the similar Equestrian Talent Search High School Medal division essentially turned one year old at today's show. At the Chatham Hall 2011 winter tournament a rider named Ashley Wells from Erie, Pennsylvania became the first champion of the newly-created division. The Reserve Champion that day was current VI freshman Akers, who previously rode for Arrigon's Beckett Run Farm IEA team and was a member of Arrigon's 2009 IEA National Champion team. Riders who took part in one Arrigon's Equestrian Talent Search clinics over the previous 12 months were eligible to compete in the division. 13 riders took part, with eight surviving the flat phase and then receiving the opportunity to jump. Meaghan Hynes, a 2011 graduate of York High School in York, Maine (and a former member of the IEA's York Equestrian Team which sent a full team to 2011 IEA Nationals) took part in both the January 2011 ETS clinic held at Mount Holyoke College and the innaugural ETS Medal class a few weeks later (during which she was fifth). A year later Hynes was best in the field to join Wells, Rachel McConnell (who won the Medal at the 2011 Pre-Season Tourney) and Samantha Genise (who won the Medal at the 2011 Holiday Tourney) as one of the first four ever win the ETS High School Medal division. Hynes also won a $5,000.00 scholarship to Virginia Intermont College. In a fortunate coincidence Hynes had listed Virginia Intermont, St. Lawrence University and Stonehill College as "Colleges of Interest" in her mini-biography within the 2012 Winter Tournament show program. Hynes explained that a year ago she applied to ten schools that would have been the "wrong choice" in her words. Since that time Hynes realised how important staying involved with horses is to her. Hopefully when Hynes goes to College she will be involved with a riding/equine program that places her long term goals on good footing.

Christina Martinelli, a high school junior from Oxford, Connecticut (who rode for the IEA River's Edge Farm team during the 2010-11 season) was the Reserve Champion. Martinelli listed Auburn University, the University of Georgia and the University of Alabama as Colleges of interest. While Alabama re-started their IHSA team this year, both Auburn and Georgia have Varsity/NCAA teams (though Georgia has both a Varsity/NCAA and an IHSA team at this time). Emily Dunn, a high school senior from Manassas, Virginia who took part in the ETS held at Lynchburg College in July 2011 was third. Dunn listed Virginia Intermont College, Sweet Briar College, today's host University of Mary Washington and the University of Delaware as her Colleges of interest. Jenna Boillotat, a high school junior from Hanover, New Hampshire who is the daughter of Dartmouth Head Coach (and IHSA National Steward) Sally Batton, finished fourth. Boillotat, who lists Sewanee (or University of the South), Centenary College, Sweet Briar College and St. Andrews University as her colleges of interest, had previously placed tenth in the 2011 Winter ETS Medal Division.

She was fifth in the Equestrian Talent Search High School Medal Class one year ago when the division made its' Tournament debut. This time around Meaghan Hynes of York, Maine (center) was Champion in the division. Hynes is seen here with Gwen Arrigon of the Tournament of Champions and Virginia Intermont College Head Coach Eddie Federwisch. Since its' inception a year ago Federwisch has presented each of the four riders who has won the ETS High School Medal Class with a $5,000.00 scholarship offer to attend the school in Bristol, Virginia which produced the IHSA National Champion team in 2004, 2005 and 2007.

Do Tack Shops sell black duct tape?: More than one rider at today's show saw their zipperbacks give out on their riding boots. The usual temporary fix for the problem is to take black duct tape or electrical tape and wrap the boot. While we are not sure if such tape was readily available it would not be a bad decision if some of the larger tack shops considered stocking a roll or two near their check-out line.

The Mega Millions is on Tuesdays and Fridays. Powerball is on Wednesdays and Saturdays: Karli Postel of Goucher College beat the odds today. The junior from Newbury Park, California initially drew "Ghandi" who was one of only four horses Goucher brought to the show today. Though Postel has high praise for Ghandi he had not schooled as well as usual and was problematic when Postel took him towards the first few jumps. When Postel received a re-ride she found herself on "Xcarat" which is one of the other three horses Goucher brought. When you calculate that VI and Lynchburg each brought six horses while host Mary Washington had 22 on site at Hazelwild the odds of Postel riding only the Goucher horses was slim at best. Postel faired much better on Xcarat and placed second to Lohrer (who rode "Albert") in open fences.

You can't win 'em all, though for awhile it looked like you could!: Delaware Valley College assistant coach Emily Miller had been undefeated as a coach at events held at Hazelwild Farm prior to today. As the show coach for Sweet Briar College Miller's Vixens were high point team at 2009 Zone 4 Zones at Hazelwild. A year later the 2007 Delaware Valley graduate was back in the Philadelphia area in her current position. The Aggies were high point team at the 2010 Winter tourney in Fredericksburg. Two firsts and a fourth are still not all that bad in our opinion.

"Put Putin on hold! I'm talking to So Jin Lee right now!": Coach Law is most pleased that Mount Holyoke has not only a member of the student government on the team but that they have the President of the Student Body on their roster! Lee was making her Tournament of Champions debut today and after her win in walk-trot Law recommended this writer talk to her. Lee explained that besides her involvement with the Mount Holyoke student government she is also involved on a National level. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton launched the "Women in Public Service Colloquium" and that Lee was one of the students from Mount Holyoke that was selected. Lee also had a conference call with the White House on the subject of "College Affordability." One can only hope that Lee continues to be involved with so many VIP's.

Repeating the placings...: This writer has seen his share of "announcing difficulties" at IHSA shows this season. But in total contrast Marina Frano of Mary Washington did a wonderful job today. A senior from Woodbridge, Virginia Frano not only pronounced some difficult names correctly she had the presence of mind to repeat the placings after having read the results from sixth up through first. The Public Address system in Hazelwild Farm also gets a thumbs up for not being too loud nor too soft, and if you were in the arena you could hear the announcements just fine.

Head Coach C.J. Law (on far left) holds the Tournament of Champions series trophy following Mount Holyoke College's 42-33 win over VI's Black Team which secured them first place in the series for 2011-12. Mount Holyoke was the third team to win a Tournament series event this season, following Miami University of Ohio (a 30-28 winner over VI's Gold Team on September 24th) and Centenary College's White Team (a 37-35 winner over Mount Holyoke on December 3rd). Mount Holyoke was one of only five programs to participate in all three Tournament events this season (VI, Cornell, Virginia Tech and the University of Massachusetts at Amherst were the others).

Mount Holyoke College collected the final award of the day when Gwen Arrigon presented Lyons Head Coach C.J. Law with the Tournament of Champions series trophy. To earn the trophy a team must take part in at least two of the three Tournament of Champions events. If a team takes part in all three events then the lowest score from their three appearances is dropped. Mount Holyoke was seventh at the Pre-Season Tournament (the drop score), reserve champion with 35 points at the Holiday Tournament and champion with 42 points at today's event. The Lyons' final margin in the series for 2011-12 was 77-61 over Virginia Intermont while Delaware Valley (the 2010-11 series champion) was third with 58 points. It was Mount Holyoke's second time as the Tournament series champion, the Lyons having also returned to Western Massachusetts with the Trophy in early 2008, though on that ocassion the Tournament Trophy did not get to take a train ride!

---Steve Maxwell

Show Incidentals: Sunny skies, with temperatures reaching the upper '50's. Entire show held indoors. Start time: 9:05AM. Finish: 3:20PM (Not Including Awards Presentation) - Coaches and Captains meeting held prior to start of show. Judge: Woody Dykers, Alpharetta, GA. Stewards: Patte Zumbrun/Goucher College, Sally Batton/Dartmouth College and Cory Kieschnick/Delaware Valley College.

Class-by-class Results, in the order in which they were held:

Intermediate Equitation On The Flat, Section A: 1. Felicia Harrsch, Mount Holyoke College. 2. Blake Roberts, Virginia Iintermont College. 3. Georgiana deRham, Cornell University. 4. Alanna Reiner, Lafayette College. 5. Sami Cram, St. Andrews University. 6. Kari Searls, University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

Open Equitation Over Fences, Section A: 1. Lexie Lohrer, Mount Holyoke College. 2. Karli Postel, Goucher College. 3. Corrine Frederickson, University of Mary Washington - Team Blue. 4. Kaitlin Eckenberger, Sweet Briar College. 6. Cristina Herren, Dartmouth College. 6. Jennifer Osterman, Virginia Tech.

Intermediate Equitation On The Flat, Section B: 1. Kelsey Ficara, Delaware Valley College. 2. Ariel Black, Virginia Intermont College - Team Gold. 3. Emilia Sanchez, University of Mary Washington - Team Blue. 4. Emily Denning, Penn State University (State College). 5. Megan Kunsman, Virginia Tech. 6. Addie Jabin, Goucher College.

Open Equitation Over Fences, Section B: 1. Bronwyn Scrivens, Cornell University. 2. Kelly Gerland, Lynchburg College - Team Pulled Pork. 3. Kerry Sachs, Tufts University. 4. Brendan Weiss, Penn State University (State College). 5. Lauren Fay, Virginia Intermont College - Team Gold. 6. Courtney Bryggman, University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

Intermediate Equitation Over Fences, Section A: 1. Alanna Reiner, Lafayette College. 2. Kali Cram, St. Andrews University. 3. Katie Lazarski, Tufts University. 4. Devin Cox, University of Mary Washington - Team Gray. 5. Ashleigh Ramey, Virginia Intermont College. 6. Alison Healey, Penn State University (State College).

Walk-Trot-Canter Equitation On The Flat, Section A: 1. Kayla Akers, Virginia Intermont College - Team Black. 2. Samantha Stone, Mount Holyoke College. 3. Maria Rittenhouse, Virginia Tech. 4. Maya Johnson, Dartmouth College. 5. Rachel Walter, Rutgers University. 6. Callie Hodge, Goucher College.

Intermediate Equitation Over Fences, Section B: 1. Sarah Truchon, University of New Hampshire. 2. Nell Maynard, Mount Holyoke College. 3. Jessica Ropelewski, Virginia Tech. 4. Abigail Parker, Virginia Intermont College - Team Black. 5. Addie Jabin, Goucher College. 6. Molly Banfield, University of Mary Washington - Team Blue.

Novice Equitation On The Flat, Section A: 1. Joey Fink, Goucher College. 2. Zoe Sarvis, Virginia Intermont College - Team Black. 3. Helena Witte, Dartmouth College. 4. Alison Hornbaker, Sweet Briar College. 5. Elisabeth Van Embden, Rutgers University. 6. Rachel Calvert, Virginia Tech.

Walk-Trot Equitation On The Flat, Section A: 1. Shiloh Kozlowski, St. Andrews University. 2. Emma Golonka, University of Massachusetts at Amherst. 3. Taylor Scott, Virginia Intermont College - Team Gold. 4. Helena Xu, Lafayette College. 5. Sarah Conklin, Delaware Valley College. 6. Katie Horng, Cornell University.

Open Equitation On The Flat, Section A: 1. Hannah Thornton, Mount Holyoke College. 2. Jennifer Osterman, Virginia Tech. 3. Audrey Hanlon, Virginia Intermont College - Team Black. 4. Emily Hulak, Rutgers University. 5. Katie Bradshaw, Sweet Briar College. 6. Faye Keegan, Dartmouth College.

Walk-Trot-Canter Equitation On The Flat, Section B: 1. Taylor Dalton, Lynchburg College - Team Pulled Pork. 2. Megan Kelty, Virginia Intermont College - Team Gold. 3. Mary Beth Hannon, Cornell University. 4. Allyson Kriebel, Delaware Valley College. 5. Rachel Negron, Penn State University (State College). 6. Miranda Wright, St. Andrews University.

Novice Equitation Over Fences, Section A: 1. Sami Cram, St. Andrews University. 2. Lauren Wills, Virginia Intermont College - Team Black. 3. Abigayle Raucher, Mount Holyoke College. 4. Eryn Wiley, Sweet Briar College. 5. Helena Witte, Dartmouth College. 6. Samantha Nelson, University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

Walk-Trot Equitation On The Flat, Section B: 1. So Jin Lee, Mount Holyoke College. 2. Travis Roth, Virginia Tech. 3. Allie Manning, Virginia Intermont College - Team Black. 4. Jacqueline Marinoff, University of New Hampshire. 5. Emma Hamilton, Lynchburg College - Team Beef Brisket. 6. Alexz Goldin, Rutgers University.

Novice Equitation Over Fences, Section B: 1. Rory Mueller, Virginia Intermont College - Team Gold. 2. Cassella Slater, Virginia Tech. 3. Chelsea Koerper, Delaware Valley College. 4. Kelli Greenslade, Lynchburg College - Team Pulled Pork. 5. Amanda Pritt, Penn State University (State College). 6. Joey Fink, Goucher College.

Open Equitation On The Flat, Section B: 1. Ciara Menkens, Delaware Valley College. 2. Katie Fink, Cornell University. 3. Kelly Sullivan, Tufts University. 4. Courtney Bryggman, University of Massachusetts at Amherst. 5. Rebekah Scharfe, Lafayette College. 6. Brendan Weiss, Penn State University (State College).

Novice Equitation On The Flat, Section B: 1. Ashleigh Ramey, Virginia Intermont College - Team Gold. 2. Kelli Greenslade, Lynchburg College - Team Pulled Pork. 3. Elizabeth Parker, Delaware Valley College. 4. Maddy Fass, Penn State University. 5. Isobel Redelmeier, Tufts University. 6. Margaux Sarin, University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

Equestrian Talent Search High School Medal: 1. Meaghan Hynes, York, Maine. 2. Christina Martinelli, Oxford, Connecticut. 3. Emily Dunn, Manassas, Virginia. 4. Jenna Boillotat, Hanover, New Hampshire. 5. Maggie Kelleher, Lynchburg, Virginia. 6. Sophie Bish, Charlotte, North Carolina. 7. Emily Curran, Katonah, New York. 8. Cary Hundley, Ellicott City, Maryland. (Note: This class was completed before Section B of Open Equitation On The Flat but not announced until after the completion of the Tournament of Champions Collegiate Medal.)

Tournament of Champions Collegiate Medal: 1. Ciara Menkens, Delaware Valley College. 2. Blake Roberts, Virginia Intermont College. 3. Brendan Weiss, Penn State University (State College). 4. Katie Fink, Cornell University. 5. Danielle Clark, Virginia Intermont College. 6. Katie Hansen, St. Andrews University. 7. Kelly Gerland, Lynchburg College. 8. Flynn Vickowski, Mount Holyoke College. 9. Margaret Swanson, Mount Holyoke College. 10. Danielle Miranda, Lafayette College.

Team Totals: Mount Holyoke College (High Point Team) 42; Virginia Intermont College - Team Black (Reserve) 33; Virginia Intermont College - Team Gold (Third) 32; Delaware Valley College (Fourth) 27; Virginia Tech (Fifth) 27; St. Andrews University (Sixth) 22; Cornell University (Seventh) 21; Lynchburg College - Team Pulled Pork (Eighth) 20; Goucher College 17; Lafayette College 15; Penn State University (State College) 15; Tufts University 14; University of Massachusetts at Amherst 12; Dartmouth College 12; Sweet Briar College 11; University of New Hampshire 10; University of Mary Washington - Team Blue 9; Rutgers University 8; University of Mary Washington - Team Gray 3 and Lynchburg College - Team Beef Brisket 2.

(For more info about the Tournament of Champions series or the Equestrian Talent Search, please e-mail or visit or visit the Equestrian Talent Search page on Facebook.)


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