From Northampton, Massachusetts, Mount Holyoke College freshman Marina McDonald (on left) won the Low Medal division at the Pre-Season Tournament of Champions invitational on September 21st. Savannah College of Art and Design
junior Brady Martino (on right) was the reserve champion. He may have been second here but Martino's win in limit fences helped the Bees win yet another Tournament of Champions event.
Storrs, CT - I will talk a little about the SCAD Bees and their
seemingly endless winning ways at Tournament of Champions events in a
But first I want to talk about the Tournament of Champions series
history and about where the shows have been held. Jim Arrigon, at the
time the head coach at Miami University of Ohio, put together the
first TOC invitational back in 1991 (which was not yet called the
Tournament of Champions at that time). This may have been the first time
schools from different IHSA regions were invited to compete in a show
against each other other than IHSA Nationals. By the start of the
next decade there were usually three Tournament of Champions events,
a Pre-Season competition, another show usually in early December and
one more in the spring. The spring show was eliminated by the middle
of the 2K decade in favor of a show in January to avoid conflicts
with spring breaks, crucial late-season IHSA shows and a few IHSA
Regionals events. Because Arrigon and his wife Gwen (who runs these
events in tandem with Jim) were based in Ohio throughout the 1990's
and the 2K decade there were a large number of Tournament events held
at Findlay, Lake Erie and Otterbein at that time. In the 2K decade
Centenary College was a Holiday tourney site on three occasions and
over the past 20 seasons perhaps as many as 15 shows took place in
Virginia (Bridgewater College, the University of Mary Washington,
Randolph College and Virginia Intermont College being among the sites).
Goucher College has hosted quite a few Pre-Season tourneys while St.
Andrews University hosted both Pre-Season and Holiday events if you
go back in time prior to the middle of the current decade.
This year's lead-off tourney event took place at the University of
Connecticut's Horsebarn Hill Arena. There had not been a TOC event in
Storrs, Connecticut since September of 2002 and the show scheduled for
September 21st was only the third ever to be held on the UConn campus.
It might not have come back to UConn had it not been for 2018 graduate
Samantha Calzone.
"I knew Sam Calzone as an (Equestrian Talent Search) student," says
Jim Arrigon, "so when I ran into her in an elevator at IHSA Nationals
(maybe in Kentucky) we chatted about UConn coming to Tournament. I
told her that we had actually held Tournament at UConn twice and she
asked what it would take to do it again. Eventually I approached
(UConn head coach Alena Meacham) about it and we put it on the schedule
about a year-and-a-half prior to the event."
"Sam loved to complete with her teammates and the tournaments that
we traveled to together were extra special," says Meacham. "Being
able to travel to other colleges and ride their horses and complete
with the top schools helps to deepen the Team camaraderie. It was
Sam's idea to have the tournament at UConn. She wanted to share what
she enjoyed so much with others.
The University of Connecticut had one rider entered at 2018 Nationals but three other Huskies traveled to Harrisburg and dressed the part. From left to right are Samantha Calzone,
Nicole Saidneway, Amanda Lyons (who competed in individual novice fences and placed tenth), Rebecca Mazzaferro and head coach Alena Meacham. The world lost Calzone in a riding accident only days before
the Pre-Season Tournament event that she was so very instrumental in bringing to Storrs, Connecticut for the first time in 17 years. |
Though Calzone graduated in 2018 she remained involved in planning
the September 2019 Pre-Season Tournament. Tragically Calzone
passed away in a riding accident only a week before the September
21st event. It was a very emotional time when Meacham addressed the
crowd and asked for a moment of silence prior to the start of the
show. Meacham also explained to the audience that Calzone had been
involved with coordinating the show right up to the previous
The show was scheduled to start at 9:00AM and remarkably that is
exactly when the first intermediate flat riders entered the ring.
The show itself was run very efficiently and ended before 4:00PM.
This had become the goal as a service for Calzone was scheduled to
take place on the UConn campus at 4PM.
UConn had not one but two 'teams' in the event, with one known
as "UCONN" and the other as "Team Huskey." It is not unusual for
schools to bring multiple squads or teams to the pre-season event.
Every year there are many schools that would like to participate
in the pre-season event but cannot due to the school year not yet
having started or the team having not practiced enough. The
Arrigons have allowed schools to bring two teams which was the
case not only with UConn but also for Bridgewater College, Mount
Holyoke College and in-state Zone 1, Region 5 rival Sacred Heart
Perhaps a mild surprise to some was that Savannah College of Art
and Design competed with only one team entered. The Bees had won
the previous four Tournament events, not having lost since Mount
Holyoke edged them 36-35 in Coolville, Ohio on January 20, 2018
(a show in which Calzone rode in open fences for UConn in the very
first class that day). At the January 26, 2019 Winter Tournament
II (after Winter Tournament I had been snowed out) SCAD fielded a
"Team Bumble" and a "Team Honey." Team Bumble won that event with
43 points, pulling ahead of Bridgewater by two points thanks to a
blue ribbon in novice flat for Brady Martino. Would the Bees be
able to win a fifth straight TOC competition with just the one
set of Bees in the hive?
It sure started out that way. SCAD senior Maddy Keck won the
intermediate flat while Sierra Dunn of Mount Holyoke - Team Yoke
was second. Some may not know that Keck was briefly an NCEA
rider, a member of the Fresno State team before transferring to
SCAD. Coincidentally the second section of intermediate flat that
followed also went to a former NCEA rider. Georgia Osborne, riding
for Bridgewater College's Team Crimson, prevailed by a placing over
Sarah Etzel of Mount Holyoke's Team Lyons. Also a senior, Osborne
was once a member of the Delaware State NCEA team.
Anna Eligulashvilli of the University of Connecticut (center) has done very well at TOC events. Last January she won intermediate flat at Winter II and
on September 21st she won intermediate fences on her own campus! From left to right are Amanda Lyons, Nicole Saidneway, Eligulashvilli, UConn team captain Julia Lineweber
and Victoria Foley. The UConn team Eligulashvilli showed for (simply called "UConn") finished eighth for the day with 20 points. |
Bridgewater's Team Crimson won two classes in a row, as Michael
Golinowski won the first section of open fences to give one set of
Eagles the lead. Briggita Sheppard of Sacred Heart's Team White
was the reserve champion. It was not the first time Golinowski
had won this division at a TOC event as the sophomore from Burke,
Virginia had won it in Fredricksburg, Virginia last January 26th.
Crimson soon fell into a tie for first, as defending IHSA
Nationals Cacchione Cup winner Adam Edgar won the second section
of open over fences. Mount Holyoke junior Sara Hearn was second
riding for their Lyons team. This writer needs to research if
Edgar, now a junior, has competed in at least one class in every
single TOC event since the start of his freshman year. SCAD has
reaped the benefits of his consistantly high-charting rides
including this one which knotted things up at 14-all with
The Connecticut schools swept the intermediate fences
divisions which followed. Anne Bergere of Sacred Heart won
section A while Jordan Bell of Goucher was the runner-up.
From Doylestown, Pennsylvania, Bergere showed for the 'Red'
team. Anna Eligulashvilli of the University of Connecticut's
'UCONN' prevailed in section B with Lea Mascola of Sacred Heart
'White' second to give Nutmeg state schools each of the top two
placings. From Scarsdale, New York, Eligulashvilli would be the
only rider from the host school to win a class on what was a
most emotional day for them. Osborne of Bridgewater was sixth
to give Bridgewater Crimson a one point lead. SCAD had 14,
UConn and MHC-Lyons had 12 each and SHU-White 11 with five
divisions still to come.
The first three divisions of the day were completed with
Sections A and B held back-to-back. From this point going
forward the A sections of several divisions were held without
being followed by a similar B. Novice Equitation, which had
been known for the entire century as walk-trot-canter, was
next (at least section A was). Adeline Callihan of Goucher
College won the class followed by Taylor Palermo of Roger
Williams University. From Keene, New Hampshire, Callihan's
blue ribbon gave the Gophers 17 points. Emilia Tumminello of
Bridgewater Crimson was fifth to create a 17-all tie with
Goucher for the top spot. Katherine Aristi of UCONN was
sixth to move that home team to 13 points.
The first of two sections of Limit Flat (formerly known as
novice flat) followed. Anna Propp became the third SCAD
rider of the day to earn a blue ribbon when the junior from
San Francisco (who will graduate in only three years) won
limit flat. Roger Williams snagged two straight red ribbons
thanks to Sarah Baker placing second. SCAD moved into the
lead with 21 while Roger Williams' 15 points put them behind
only Goucher, Bridgewater Crimson and the Bees with half the
team classes remaining.
It seemed like the school with the most parents in attendance was Sacred Heart University. Among the parents of Pioneer riders on hand were the Sheppards.
Their daughter Brigitta (center) was second in open fences for the Sacred Heart 'White' team. Sacred Heart's 'Red' team did better, technically placing fourth with 29 points. It is
interesting to note that if you combine the Red teams' 29 points with the White teams' 19 you get 48 which is more than Reserve Champion Mount Holyoke received if you combine
their 'Lyons' (35) and 'Yoke' (9) for 44.
The first section of Introductory equitation was next. Known
until this season as Walk-Trot equitation, the division went to
Rebecca Dion of Sacred Heart Team Red. Nicole Sullivan of Marist
College was the reserve champion to put the Red Foxes into
double digits with 12 points. A third place ribbon for Yixuan He
of Mount Holyoke moved their Lyons team up the board to 16 points.
Sarah Hazzard of the University of Massachusetts was fifth to
give the Minutemen 14 points. Dion's seven points put Sacred
Heart Red in a tie for second with Goucher and Bridgewater team
Crimson with 17 points each.
Section A of open flat saw a change at the top of the standings
as Hearn of Mount Holyoke team Lyons moved up a place from her
jumping round. The junior from Tallahassee, Florida - who has won
a class at each of the two most recent IHSA Nationals events -
added seven points to bring the Lyons to 23 (SCAD was not in this
section of open flat). Shannon Allen of Miami University of Ohio
was second to elevate the Red Hawks all the way into fourth place
with 16 points overall. Sarah Levi of Marist was third to keep
the Red Foxes close with 15.
Novice section B followed. This time the Lyons and SCAD
did go head-to-head, with the Bees prevailing. Ally Bates, a
senior from Webster, New York won the class yet reserve champion
honors went to Sinead O'Sullivan of Mount Holyoke - Lyons. This
created a tie at the top with 28 points each for these teams.
Cailyn Leo of Bridgewater - Team Gold was third to bring that
set of Bridgewater riders into double figures with 12 points.
Brittany Walsh of Marist was fourth to move the Red Foxes to 18
points. Ashley Bocek of Sacred Heart was fifth to give their Red
team 19 points (and temporary claim to second place) while Carol
Frye of Miami of Ohio was sixth to give the Red Hawks 17.
Introductory equitation was done for the day following the
announcement of Kylah McKeon of Roger Williams University earning
the blue ribbon (results were read over the public address
system from sixth place back to first). Kailah McCall of the
University of Connecticut's UConn team was second while Hannah
Braun of Cornell University was third. Both UConn and Cornell
had quietly climbed up the standings, the former now with 18
points and the latter with 16. Krystal Yao of SCAD was fourth,
Angela Cheng of Mount Holyoke - Yoke fifth and Eunoh Lee of
Goucher sixth. SCAD re-took the lead by three points; Goucher,
UConn and Marist were now tied for fifth with 18 points each
while McKeon, a junior from Rehoboth, Massachusetts had brought
Roger Wiliams up to third and 23 points.
She had shown against him outside the IHSA. Goucher College freshman Courtney Morton gets a hug from
SCAD's Adam Edgar following her blue ribbon in open flat that relegated Edgar to the red ribbon. Morton's seven points
helped Goucher place fifth overall with 27 points. However Edgar's 12 points for the day helped the Bees to yet another
TOC event championship. |
Four team classes remained with two of them being sections A and B
of Limit fences. The first of the two was won by SCAD's Martino, the
junior from Easton, Pennsylvania assuring the Bees of no worse than
second place (SCAD had only one more
team ride remaining). Brooke Sylvester of UMass was second to up the
Minutemen's total to 19. Sacred Heart Red jumped into the 20's at 22
points thanks to Alyssa Kinney's fourth while Marina McDonald's fifth
put Mount Holyoke Lyons into the 30's at 30. However SCAD had 38,
which would mean at least a one point win over Lyons and Roger
Williams provided their riders got only firsts and SCAD got shut out
in their final team ride. But a quirk in the schedule meant that
Bridgewater Crimson had three rides remaining...and 17 points, so
they could tie. And Goucher also had three rides remaining...and 18
Section B of limit fences affected the outcome as follows:
Danielle Derisio of Sacred Heart White won to give that group of
Pioneers 19 points (their total for the day); Meaghan Niesen of Miami
of Ohio was second, giving the Red Hawks 22 points which would
eventually mean seventh place for the day; Mara Generoso of the
University of Rhode Island was third to give the Rams all four of
their team points; Baker of Roger Williams was fourth in her second
team ride to give the Hawks 25 points and sixth place overall for the
day; Katelyn Dugan of Bridgewater Crimson was fifth to raise their
total to 19; and Lucia Younger of Cornell was sixth in the final ride
of the day for the Big Red which finished with 17 points.
Open flat section B was really a class to help shape the race for
second place. The results of the previous class had locked up another
TOC event for the school with the campus in Savannah, Georgia and a
facility in nearby Hardeeville, South Carolina. Courtney Morton, a
Goucher College freshman, surprised many by winning out over
defending Cacchione Cup winner Edgar. Apparently Edgar and Morton are
friends who have known each other for some time riding in shows in the
Washington, DC area. Hannah Lloyd of Sacred Heart Red was third to
elevate their point total to 26 (and they had one more ride).
Golinowski was fourth to keep Bridgewater alive for second (the
Crimson had 22). Eligulashvilli was fifth to close out the UConn
scoring at 20 points and an eventual eighth place ribbon. Irene Elise
Powlick, who was an open rider for Goucher College as a freshman in
2018-19, was sixth for Trinity College which was making their
first-ever appearance at a Tournament of Champions event.
The final team class was second B of Limit fences. Bridgewater
Crimson may not have caught SCAD but thanks to Katelyn Dugan they
won a tiebreaker for third. A senior from Catonsille, Maryland,
Dugan won the section to give this group of Eagles 29 points.
McDonald was second for the Lyons to give that group of Mount Holyoke
riders a final total of 35 points and second place. Jane Hilsenrath
was third for Boston University, earning half of the Terriers' eight
points in the process. Lilly Bove of Sacred Heart Red was fourth,
which meant fourth place and 29 points as Bridgewater Crimson won the
tiebreaker. Cole Jackson of Goucher was fifth to secure fifth place
overall for the Gophers and a team score of 27 points. Sylvester of
UMass was sixth to put the Minutemen's total at 20. However UConn
won the tiebreaker for eighth place.
Overlapping with some of the classes were the High Medal and Low
Medal flat and fences phases. Held instead of a ride-off for high
point rider, these divisions are held to crown two individual awards
for the day. Riders take part in a flat phase, with ten invited back
to jump. Mount Holyoke's McDonald, a freshman from Northampton,
Massachusetts, won the low medal over SCAD's Martino in second. Had
Martino won it would have been his fourth time winning this class.
The high medal went to a SCAD junior who was making her Tournament of
Champions debut. Rose Kauffman - Skloff, a junior from Los Angeles
won the class while Golinowski of Bridgewater was second. According
to the SCAD athletics website Kauffman - Skloff was named one of the
two "Bees of the Week" across the entire sports program (ten men's
sports, ten women's sports and three co-ed sports including
Equestrian) for her effort. It is worth noting that Kauffman - Skloff
is the 41st rider to win the high medal since it was introduced in
2006 but only the fifth SCAD rider to do so. In total contrast the
low medal division was introduced in 2016 and entering today's event
eight of the eleven low medal champions were SCAD riders!
That average went down slightly thanks to McDonald becoming the
first Mount Holyoke rider to win the low medal, but in December - at
the next TOC event - the SCAD averages went up, WAY up...
Towards the end of the day on September 21st some of the Medal classes alternated with team classes. This kept Bridgewater College head coach Jerry Schurink (on right) very busy. One minute
he might be coaching Michael Golinowski (on left) to second place in the high medal division and then watch Katelyn Dugan (center) win her limit flat class to help
Bridgewater's Crimson team tie Sacred Heart and even place third ahead of the Pioneers based on the tiebreaker.
On December 7th fifteen schools took part in the annual Holiday
Tournament of Champions. Hosted by Penn State University at the Grier
School in Tyrone, Pennsylvania, the SCAD Bees won again but this time
by earning the highest team score in the history of TOC events. The
Bees scored 54 of a possible 56 points (the low score is not dropped
a tournament event). Edgar rode in both open classes and the high
medal division; Martino rode in both limit classes and the low medal
division. When it was over the two combined to win all six of their
rides. The runner-up to Martino in the low medal was Karyn Arnstead,
a SCAD freshman from Chicago who was making her Tournament debut.
The reserve high point team was Mount Holyoke College with 36 points
(only one team entered). The runner-up to Edgar in the high medal
was Julianna Empie of Penn State University, the hosts who were one of
two schools to enter two teams at the Holiday event (the other being
Miami University of Ohio).
What's next?: The Winter Tournament of Champions event will be
held on January 25th at the Ronald C. Waranch Equestrian Center in
Hardeeville, South Carolina where Savannah College of Art and Design
hosts their shows. On March 14th their will be a "Spring Classic"
hosted by the University of Findlay. This will be the first true
Springtime TOC event in over ten years. SCAD has won the series
trophy six years in a row and again has a very healthy lead in
2019-20. It will not hurt that they host the next event at their
own facility. Should SCAD win the Bees will be only one series
title from tieing Virginia Intermont College which won eight TOC
series titles from 2001 (the first year the series trophy was
presented) through 2013.
--Steve Maxwell
September 21st Show Incidentals: Sunny skies, with temperatures
reaching the low 80's. Entire show held indoors. Judge: Kat Demas
Mulkey, Madison, Georgia. Stewards: Jennifer Smith/Goucher College;
Heather Pinnick/Miami University of Ohio and Jerry Schurink/Bridgewater
College. This show was Hunter Seat or English only.
Team Totals: Savannah College of Art & Design (High Point Team) 43;
Mount Holyoke College - Team Lyons (Reserve) 35; Bridgewater College -
Team Crimson (won tiebreaker for third) 29; Sacred Heart University -
Team Red 29; Goucher College 27; Roger Williams University 25; Miami
University of Ohio 22; Univeristy of Connecticut - Team UConn 20;
University of Massachusetts at Amherst 20; Sacred Heart University -
Team White 19; Marist College 18; Cornell University 17; Bridgewater
College - Team Gold 12; Mount Holyoke College - Team Yoke 9; University
of Connecticut - Team Husky 9; Boston University 8; Trinity College
(CT) 6 and University of Rhode Island 4.
Class-by-class results, in the order in which they were held:
Intermediate equitation on the flat - Section A: 1. Maddy Keck,
Savannah College of Art and Design. 2. Sierra Dunn, Mount Holyoke
College - Team Yoke. 3. Courtney Sloan, Goucher College.
4. Meagghan Niesen, Miami University of Ohio. 5. Hannah Soifer,
University of Connecticut - Team UConn. 6. Melissa Lempicki,
Bridgewater College - Team Gold.
Intermediate equitation on the flat - Section B: 1. Georgia
Osborne, Bridgewater College - Team Crimson. 2. Sarah Etzel, Mount
Holyoke College - Team Lyons. 3. Lindsey Cowden, University of
Connecticut - Team Husky. 4. Lola Knadler, Marist College.
5. Alexandra Ferris, University of Massachusetts at Amherst. 6. Mia
Poppinga, Sacred Heart University - Team White.
Open equitation over fences - Section A: 1. Michael Golinowski,
Bridgewater College - Team Crimson. 2. Briggita Sheppard, Sacred
Heart University - Team White. 3. Chloe Noyes, Roger Williams
University. 4. Amanda Lyons, University of Connecticut - Team UConn.
5. Georgia Fish, Mount Holyoke College - Team Yoke. 6. Courtney
Morton, Goucher College.
Open equitation over fences - Section B: 1. Adam Edgar, Savannah
College of Art and Design. 2. Sara Hearn, Mount Holyoke College -
Team Lyons. 3. Irene Elise Powlick, Trinity College (CT). 4. Gabi
Sorrentino, Sacred Heart University - Team Red. 5. Mackenzie
Gilligan, University of Massachusetts at Amherst. 6. Frances
McGivern, University of Connecticut - Team Husky.
Intermediate equitation over fences - Section A: 1. Anne
Bergere, Sacred Heart University - Team Red. 2. Jordan Bell,
Goucher College. 3. Lola Knadler, Marist College. 4. Emma Bayuk,
University of Connecticut - Team Husky. 5. Indra Rapinchuk-Souccar,
Mount Holyoke College - Team Lyons. 6. Amie Keller, Roger Williams
Intermediate equitation over fences - Section B: 1. Anna
Eligulashvilli, University of Connecticut - Team UConn. 2. Lea
Mascola, Sacred Heart University - Team White. 3. Emma Lewandowski,
University of Massachusetts at Amherst. 4. Tess Von Hemel, Miami
University of Ohio. 5. Haley Harder, Cornell University.
6. Georgia Osborne, Bridgewater College - Team Crimson.
Novice Equitation - Section A: 1. Adeline Callihan, Goucher
College. 2. Taylor Palermo, Roger Williams University. 3. Haleigh
Tyerman, University of Massachusetts at Amherst. 4. Lara Carr,
Cornell University. 5. Emilia Tumminello, Bridgewater College -
Team Crimson. 6. Katherine Aristi, University of Connecticut -
Team UConn.
Limit equitation on the flat - Section A: 1. Anna Propp,
Savannah College of Art and Design. 2. Sarah Baker, Roger Williams
University. 3. Jenny Searles, Bridgewater College - Team Gold.
4. Liza Pacchiana, Cornell University. 5. Ari Chinoporos, Miami
University of Ohio. 6. Lea Mascola, Sacred Heart University.
From left to right: Rose Kauffman-Skloff, Ben Davis, Brady Martino, Krystal Yao, Jessica Konopinski, Maddy Keck,
Ally Bates, Adam Edgar, Carly Alder, Anna Propp and Head Coach Ashley Henry. These people make up everyone from Savannah College of
Art and Design who trecked from their campus in Georgia to Storrs, Connecticut to compete in the Pre-Season Touranment of Champions
invitational. The trip was worth it as the Bees won their fifth consecutive TOC event. In December that streak would grow to six
straight with a win in Tyrone, Pennsylvania. SCAD won't get any frequent flyer miles for the next event, as that one takes place at
their Ronald C. Waranch Equestrian Center in Hardeeville, South Carolina on January 25th.
Introductory Equitation - Section A: 1. Rebecca Dion, Sacred Heart
University - Team Red. 2. Nicole Sullivan, Marist College. 3. Yixuan
He, Mount Holyoke College - Team Lyons. 4. Jonathan DeBlasi, Miami
University of Ohio. 5. Sarah Hazzard, University of Massachusetts at
Amherst. 6. Courtney Yancey, Bridgewater College - Team Gold.
Open equitation on the flat - Section A: 1. Sara Hearn, Mount
Holyoke College - Team Lyons. 2. Shannon Allen, Miami University of
Ohio. 3. Leah Reeb, Cornell University. 4. Sarah Levi, Marist
College. 5. Caroline Warren, Bridgewater College - Team Gold.
6. Frances McGivern, University of Connecticut - Team Husky.
Novice equitation - Section B: 1. Ally Bates, Savannah College of
Art and Design. 2. Sinead O'Sullivan, Mount Holyoke College - Team
Lyons. 3. Cailyn Leo, Bridgewater College - Team Gold. 4. Brittany
Walsh, Marist College. 5. Ashley Bocek, Sacred Heart University -
Team Red. 6. Carol Frye, Miami University of Ohio.
Introductory Equitation - Section B: 1. Kylah McKeon, Roger
Williams University. 2. Kailah McCall, University of Connecticut -
Team UConn. 3. Hannah Braun, Cornell University. 4. Krystal Yao,
Savannah College of Art and Design. 5. Angela Cheng, Mount Holyoke
College - Team Yoke. 6. Eunoh Lee, Goucher College.
Limit equitation over fences - Section A: 1. Brady Martino,
Savannah College of Art and Design. 2. Brooke Sylvester, University
of Massachusetts at Amherst. 3. Angela Eggar, Boston University.
4. Alyssa Kinney, Sacred Heart University - Team Red. 5. Marina
McDonald, Mount Holyoke College - Team Lyons. 6. Erica Desmond,
Trinity College (CT).
Limit equitation over fences - Section B: 1. Danielle Derisio,
Sacred Heart University - Team White. 2. Meagghan Niesen, Miami
University of Ohio. 3. Mara Generoso, University of Rhode Island.
4. Sarah Baker, Roger Williams University. 5. Katelyn Dugan,
Bridgewater College - Team Crimson. 6. Lucia Younger, Cornell
Low Medal Division: 1. Marina McDonald, Mount Holyoke College.
2. Brady Martino, Savannah College of Art and Design. 3. Noelle
Gulley, Goucher College. 4. Amie Keller, Roger Williams
University. 5. Mia Poppinga, Sacred Heart University. 6. Jenny
Searles, Bridgewater College. 7. Lilly Bove, Sacred Heart
University. 8. Angela Eggar, Boston University. 9. Ben Davis,
Savannah College of Art and Design. 10. Katelyn Dugan,
Bridgewater College.
Open equitation on the flat - Section B: 1. Courtney Morton,
Goucher College. 2. Adam Edgar, Savannah College of Art and
Design. 3. Hannah Lloyd, Sacred Heart University - Team Red.
4. Michael Golinowski, Bridgewater College - Team Crimson.
5. Anna Eligulashvilli, University of Connecticut - Team UConn.
6. Irene Elise Powlick, Trinity College (CT).
High Medal Division: 1. Rose Kauffman - Skloff, Savannah
College of Art and Design. 2. Michael Golinowski, Bridgewater
College. 3. Clara Bechtold, University of Connecticut.
4. Meaghan Costa, University of Rhode Island. 5. Mackenzie
Gilligan, University of Massachusetts at Amherst. 6. Connor
Murphy, Marist College. 7. Courtney Sloan, Goucher College.
8. Lanie Bricker, Boston University. 9. Caroline Warren,
Bridgewater College. 10. Sara Hearn, Mount Holyoke College.
Limit equitation on the flat - Section B: 1. Katelyn
Dugan, Bridgewater College - Team Crimson. 2. Marina
McDonald, Mount Holyoke College - Team Lyons. 3. Jane
Hilsenrath, Boston University. 4. Lilly Bove, Sacred Heart
University - Team Red. 5. Cole Jackson, Goucher College.
6. Brooke Sylvester, University of Massachusetts at Amherst.
December 7th additional information: Show held at the
Grier School in Tyrone, Pennsylvania and hosted by Penn State
University (State College). The Judge was Creigh Duncan,
Princeton, New Jersey. Entire show was held indoors.
Team Totals: Savannah College of Art and Design (High Point
Team) 54; Mount Holyoke College (Reserve) 36; Goucher College
29; Penn State University - Team Blue 28; Delaware Valley
University 26; Miami University of Ohio - Team Red 25;
University of Massachusetts at Amherst 24; Penn State
University - Team White 22 (Won tiebreaker for eighth place);
Miami University of Ohio - Team White 22; Sacred Heart
University 18; Lake Erie College 18; Seton Hill University 15;
Rutgers University 9; University of Wisconsin at Madison 7;
Dickinson College 7; University of Delaware 6 and Otterbein
University 6.