Ron Schwane (on left) and David Richard of Ron Schwane photography get ready for the next class
at 2012 IEA Hunt Seat Nationals in Syracuse, New York on April 20th.
If you attend the Interscholastic Equestrian Association (IEA) hunt seat Nationals
show (which will be back in Syracuse, New York for a second consecutive season in the
spring of 2013) you will notice multiple photographers taking photos from both inside
and outside the ring at various times throughout the show. If you thoroughly walk
throughout the facility you will find an office with multiple computers going for
riders to review the photos taken by these photographers.
Ron Schwane Photography has been the official IEA Nationals photographer for the
six most recent IEA Hunt Seat Nationals (save for 2012, Ron Schwane also was the
western photographer at IEA Nationals during this span). Schwane and David Richard
take the photos throughout the classes, including for the awards presentations. A
short time later the photos are downloaded into the computer network and riders,
coaches and parents are free to pull up a chair to see if they might like to order
something. Schwane has also been the official photographer for several IEA Zone
Final shows in Ohio and many other equestrian events.
Though Ron Schwane offers the immediacy of seeing the photos a short time after
a class is completed, those who forget to stop by the office can still go on-line
and see all the photos there. On the ronschwane.com website there is a link to the
2012 IEA Nationals Photos on the homepage. If you click on this icon, then click
on 'hunt seat classes' and then one of three days that the classes were held on you
will find links to each of the classes held on that day of IEA finals. For the
individual varsity over fences class which started 2012 Nationals there are 314
images alone!
It is worth noting that on any page with images there is an icon on the top of
the page called "Galleries." The Galleries page has photos which date back all the
way to 2011 IEA Nationals in Upper Marlboro, Maryland. It would not surprise us if
Ron Schwane has images available from other National shows he photographed. It
is probably best to contact him through his site if one is looking for IEA
Nationals photos between 2007 and 2010. Schwane has also been the official photographer
for several IEA Zone Final shows in Ohio and many other equestrian events.
Other images on Schwane's site indicate that he photographs Football, Baseball,
Basketball and Volleyball among sports beside Equestrian on occasion. There are
even portraits completely unrelated to sports if someone is looking for a series of
personal photographs. Schwane is based in Wadsworth, Ohio, not far from Akron,
Canton and Cleveland. To view and/or order IEA Nationals photos, or for further
information, visit Ron Schwane Photography at ronschwane.com.
--Steve Maxwell